Degree Completion
The time is right to get that degree or continue your education. Whether you just started, left behind, or changed directions in earlier seasons of life, we can meet where you are at and provide customized solutions to get you to the finish line, finishing the program God has placed on your heart.
Destiny School of Leadership advisors will help you identify the courses necessary to finish your degree.​
Networking Opportunities
Connect with and learn from experienced church, business, and non-profit leaders.​
Flexible Offerings
Juggling school, work, and family responsibilities can be a challenge. Destiny School of Leadership offers in-person, virtual, and hybrid course options to ensure your success.​
Financial Assistance
Degree programs and certifications are offered at a fraction of the cost of traditional institutions. Gain access to local and federal grants, scholarships, and loans to ease the financial burden of your education.
Academic Counseling
Coaches and counselors are assigned to guide you through the process from application to graduation. Faculty are available to answer questions and collaborate toward your success.​
Christ-Centered Education
Christ is at the center of everything we do. Destiny School of Leadership educates the whole person and provides students an opportunity to develop spiritual maturity as they learn to integrate Christian principles into their school and work.